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Here you will find the latest updates from the Minnesota Council of Churches
A woman in clergy vestments behind a podium is talking while facing an unseen audience to her right

On October 22 Minnesota Council of Churches marked a new chapter in its history with the Installation of Elder Suzanne P. Kelly as our new CEO. There were many memorable elements of the service, including this introduction of Elder Kelly by Rev. Dana Neuhauser, an MCC Board Member, member of the selection committee, and a Deacon in the United Methodist Church.

Video title card has purple background, images of a black woman and a white woman speaking to an audience

Elder Suzanne P. Kelly was installed as CEO of Minnesota Council of Churches in a service at Shiloh Temple International Ministries in Minneapolis on October 22, 2024.

Rev. Alanna Simone Tyler of Minneapolis' Westminster Presbyterian Church, and Bishop Regina Hassanally of the Southeast Minnesota Synod ELCA spoke about the purpose of an installation service.

Video title card has purple background, image of a black man preaching

Elder Suzanne P. Kelly was installed as CEO of Minnesota Council of Churches in a service at Shiloh Temple International Ministries in Minneapolis on October 22, 2024.

Bishop Jeffrey L. Smith of Christ Temple Apostolic Church in Roseville, Elder Kelly's home church, offered the first sermonic charge.

Stylized illustrated people outdoors smiling at the viewer beneat a Give to the Max Day logo

[Editor's note: This guest blog from Rev. Melissa Melnick Gonzalez illustrates how local congregations are equipped in so many ways by the programs of Minnesota Council of Churches. Rev. Gonzalez' church plant, Tapestry, has directly or indirectly been supported by MCC Respectful Conversations, the grants promoted in the MCC newsletter, MCC Refugee Services staff connection, and the audiences who read News for the Common Good. The experience of Tapestry's ecumenical congregation presents a perfect microcosm of how Minnesota Council of Churches helps to manifest unity in the body of Christ and build the common good in the world.]

Video title card has purple background; image of a women preaching behind a pulpit looking to her right

Ruling Elder Rev. Elona Street Steward, Synod Executive of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and Vice President of the MCC Board of Directors, offered the second sermonic charge at the Installation service for MCC's new CEO Elder Suzanne P. Kelly. The Ruling Elder charged not only Elder Kelly but the whole church community to "boldly confront injustice."

A Cross positioned over two wavy lines next to the text NCC Action Alert

An urgent call to act by the National Council of Churches:

Woman in clergy vestments looks at viewer, smiling

In response to the sermonic charges offered by Bishop Jeffrey L. Smith and Ruling Elder Rev. Elona Street Stewart, MCC's new CEO Elder Suzanne P. Kelly shares her vision for the future of manifesting the unity of the body of Christ and building the common good in the world through the Minnesota Council of Churches.

Two deer rest in the snow, as seen through thin trees. One looks at the viewer.

MCC will be closed December 30, 2024 - January 3, 2025 for a week of reflection and preparation.

News for the Common Good email logo appears above the words "Top 10" imposed over a star

What were the most popular links in our 2024 newsletters according to MCC News for the Common Good readers?

Minnesota Church Center closed January 21.


Minnesota Council of Chuches will follow the mandates of Christ and the mission our 27 member denominations created us to accomplish. We will organize, advocate, partner and pray, manifesting the courage to stand together. You can help.

An MCC Respectful Conversations Lead Facilitator received the Star Tribune's Bridge Builder 2024 award for building peace at a major Respectful Conversation in Saint Cloud.

Indigenous man in red #Landback hoodie stands in a wintry, lightly forested landscape

After a powerful journey to his tribal nation's original land, Co-Director of Racial Justice Jim Bear Jacobs reflects on the healing and justice of the Landback movement.
