News for the Common Good 2024 in Review

News for the Common Good is our bi-weekly newsletter reaching faith community decision-makers in Minnesota and beyond. In it, we share ways MCC programs can help you to make the world a better place, where you might find our staff in the news or in the world, other events of interest to people of faith in and around our state, as well as resources, think-pieces, workshops, grant oppotrunities, news from our member denominations, jobs in our field, and sometimes national events.
Everything in News for the Common Good is selected and curated especially for you, a person who is active in faith and making decisions about the future. So of course we track the things you like and click on. What were you most interested in 2024? Here are the top 10 links, with #1 being the single most-clicked link in any of this year's emails.
Racial Justice Truth & Reparations programming, such as the opportunity to hear from Co-Directors of Racial Justice Rev. Pamela Ngunjiri and Jim Bear Jacobs at the Overcoming Racism Conference.
"Hope in the Face of Horror," a blog about how aspects of MCC Respectful Conversations can give us hope through an election season beset by Presidential candidate assassination attempts.
"Aspen Reflections," in which Co-Director of Racial Justice Rev. Jerad Morey shared his frustrating and heartwarming experience presenting on MCC Respectful Conversations evaluation methods at the Aspen Institute in Washington, DC.
Building air quality grants, made available by the Minnesota state OSHA to improve safety of workplaces.
A July opportunity to register for one of the 10 Respectful Conversations we held in 2024. This year marked the first time Respectful Conversations were the newsletter's most-clicked program area.
"Woke Lent," a story about how the United Church of Christ, an MCC member denomination, had adopted our then-CEO Rev. Dr. Curtiss DeYoung's book "The Risk of Being Woke" as its denomination-wide Lenten curriculum.
The announcement that recognized administrative leader and Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Elder Suzanne P. Kelly would become our new CEO.
A June opportunity to sign up for open-to-the-public Healing Minnesota Stories Dakota Sacred Site Tours. Overall, Healing Minnesota Stories content was our third-most-clicked program area this year.
A February announcement of open registration and site locations for the 2024 Taking Heart Ramadan Iftars. Taking Heart, always popular, was also the second-most clikced program area in 2024's newsletters.
And the most-clicked single link in all of 2025's News for the Common Good editions, from the March 20 issue, was the now-inactive Farmers, Ranchers and Farm Workers grants from Of our top 40 links, information about grants congregations and clergy could use would have been our second-most-clicked area if it were an MCC program.
In 2025 you will hear more about how you can make the world a better place through volunteer and donation support to Refugee Services, opposing Islamophobia by joining Taking Heart Ramadan Iftars (Ramadan begins February 28), achieving liberation from oppressive racial legacies through Racial Justice Truth and Reparations, and loving your enemy as you become a better peacemaker with MCC Respectful Conversations (the next Conversation is February 19).
There are so many things we will be excited to share. Keep reading News for the Common Good! If you aren't already a reader, subscribe to our free newsletter today.