TO BE RESCHEDULED American Democracy at the Crossroads

Rev. Dr. Iva E. Carruthers featured in a truth-telling event

American Democracy at the Crossroads is being rescheduled for Spring 2025. Once the new date is set you will receive an event notice if you RSVP’ed. The rescheduled date will also be announced on the MCC Racial Justice list, in News for the Common Good, and on our website. To subscribe to our newsletters and stay up to date, click here.


American democracy is at a crossroads. One road leads to a pluralistic future where the moral arc of the universe continues to bend towards justice. The other leads to a dead-end for American democracy itself. Consider the stakes and learn how you can help our nation embrace a pluralistic future.

Westminster Presbyterian Church

1200 S Marquette Ave, Minneapolis


Keynote Speaker – Rev. Dr. Iva E. Carruthers