Taking Heart

Join us for conversation during Ramadan

Taking Heart is a long-running program coordinated by MCC and the Muslim American Society of Minnesota (MAS-MN) to bring Christians and members of other faith communities together with Muslims for food and conversation during Ramadan.

Ramadan is a blessed month of the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the “five pillars” of Islam and is performed to learn piety, self-restraint, compassion, and generosity.

NOTE: The form below is for people who wish to be present at a Taking Heart Ramadan Iftar. If, instead, you are a volunteer who is helping to HOST the iftar, please sign up here.




Iftars will include opening remarks and welcome with a recitation of the Quran and the call to prayer; a presentation on Islam and Ramadan and its customs; breakout groups where a number of topics can be discussed.


Additional sites will be added to the registration list above as the information becomes available.

Open House

The Taking Heart Open Houses program has been bringing Muslims and non-Muslims together for food and conversation for 18 years. In 2024 over 1000 community members participated in Taking Heart during Ramadan, the month on the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunup to sundown. In 2025 Ramadan falls between February 28 and March 29.