Minnesota's Racial Legacy

Minnesota's Racial Legacy: Finally Telling the Truth
- [Online viewers: Scroll down to download PDF versions of the Resource List, Journal Questions, and Lament & Promise]
After announcing the ambitious 10-year plan for Truth and Reparations in Minnesota we immediately began hearing from people eager to be a part of truth-telling, and people eager to hear the truth about Minnesota's racial legacy. People eager to hear how our past shapes our present and how Minnesotans, knowing the truth, can begin to leave the legacy of a more equitable state.
The first truth-telling event began Friday, September 24, 2021, at Plymouth Congregational Church. Christine Diindiisi McCleave, then-Chief Executive Officer of the Twin Cities-based National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, gave the keynote address. She is an enrolled citizen of Turtle Mountain Ojibwe Nation and a leader and an activist for Indigenous Rights advocating for truth, justice, and healing for the genocidal policy of U.S. Indian Boarding Schools.
The Saturday morning keynote was delivered by Dr. Yohuru Williams, a history professor at St. Thomas University. He is the Founding Director of St. Thomas’ Racial Justice Initiative and the author of several books, including Rethinking the Black Freedom Movement.
Saturday also featured a powerful and challenging panel discussion with Anthony Galloway, Nevada Littlewolf, Rev. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, and Ebony Adedayo.
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We are presently fundraising for staffing for this ambitious and necessary work. You can contribute here.
Watch the virtual press conference launching the project.
Read a news article placing this work in global and state context.